Jerrebel Grey Your Language, Your Freedom Thu, 29 Feb 2024 06:42:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jerrebel Grey 32 32 How Indie Musicians Thrive and Survive Tue, 14 Nov 2023 08:46:20 +0000 Now is the time to strike the chords of independence. How indie musicians thrive and survive in the music industry? It’s everybody’s question.

Navigating the Digital Frontier 

Examine the role of digital platforms in the success of indie musicians. From social media to streaming services, explore how these tools enable artists to connect directly with their audience, build a fanbase, and promote their work globally. Recent technology and various social media platforms have provided them tips on effective digital marketing strategies which are vital in promoting their craft.

Building a Supportive Community

Similarly, the importance of building a strong support network within the indie music community is vital. Showcase examples of collaborations, partnerships, and grassroots movements that empower indie musicians to overcome obstacles and elevate their craft. Discuss the significance of local scenes and independent venues in fostering community engagement.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

Explore the various ways indie musicians generate income beyond traditional record sales. Merchandise, live performances, licensing and crowdfunding has given them multiple income streams. However, they also need to examine how diversifying revenue streams is crucial for financial sustainability.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Therefore, indie musicians face and acknowledge the inevitable challenges such as financial constraints and industry skepticism. As they share their inspiring stories as artists, they overcome adversity. Likewise, their resilience and determination must be acknowledged as they thrive in this industry.

Indeed, music industry is ever-evolving. Hence, indie musicians stand as trailblazers, carving their paths to success. Their attributions to arts is really an inspiration to aspiring artists.

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Are Facebook Content Creators Scammed? Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:40:02 +0000 Many content creators were shocked by facebook violations and demonetization.

This is the season in which social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok have become the source of income. Recently, people have been bragging about how much they earned, mostly while creating short videos like reels.

Facebook monetization policies are guidelines to regulate and control how creators can earn money from their contents. These policies outline the rules and requirements. It must be met in order to qualify for monetization on the platform. Facebook offers several ways for creators to monetize their content, including through ad breaks, branded content, fan subscriptions, and in-stream ads.

To be eligible for monetization on Facebook, creators must adhere to certain guidelines. For example, they must have a Facebook page with at least 500 followers for at least 30 consecutive days and live in an eligible country. Additionally, creators must comply with Facebook’s community standards to ensure no violations.

Facebook aims to provide a fair and transparent environment for creators to generate income from their contens. The platform ensures that only high-quality and compliant content is eligible for monetization. It does’t only benefit creators to generate revenue; It also helps maintain the overall integrity and user experience of the platform.

Meta slashed promised payouts on the Facebook Reels. As a result, this sudden revision with reduced earnings shocked most content creators. Meta considered it as a system glitch. Due to lack of thorough understanding on the policies and community guidelines, many feel scammed and dissapointed.

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What is Optimism and Happiness? Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:02:02 +0000 How do you describe optimism and happiness? Maybe you have a different way of visualizing what you feel. Through painting or dancing and other forms of art, you can have your authentic way of expressing it.

I’ve always been telling myself a happy story because it sends signals to my brain that would shape my life positively. The philosophy of believing positivity is essential for mental and social well-being.

Moreover, Life’s spectrum is more beautiful when its dark colors highlight the bright hues of your true self. Don’t hide the blossoming smiles that capture the sunlight in the morning. It is your life, the essence of longevity and endless possibilities.

My heart feels it as I close my eyes full of gratefulness. You might not see a smile on my masked face, still, I am expressing how beautiful and colorful life can be.

“Don’t forget to smile. It’s free like the morning sun, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the life we have each day.” Belle.

I’m sharing this feeling through the lines with some rhymes:

Reloading Optimism

Amidst the rustling leaves and swaying trees,
I find solace in the gentle breeze.
The sun’s warmth upon my skin,
A feeling of joy from deep within.

Nature, a canvas of colors so bright,
A gift of freedom, a wondrous sight.
To roam the fields and climb the hills,
To explore the world, to feel the thrills.

My heart overflows with gratitude,
For every moment of bliss and fortitude.
With each step, I feel alive,
My spirit soaring, I strive and thrive

Optimism fills me up,
As I savor every sip of life’s cup.
And I wish to share my joy and glee,
With every soul, so wild and free.

Let’s dance under the starry skies,
And revel in the beauty that lies.
For life is but a fleeting breeze,
A chance to love, to live, to seize.

Let’s chase the sunset and run with the wind,
Embrace the moment and let our worries rescind.
Let’s sing with the birds and hum with the bees,
For this is the time to be happy and free.

The mountains stand tall, the rivers flow,
Nature’s symphony, a soothing glow.
The flowers bloom and the leaves sway,
A magical world that takes our breath away.

Oh, to be alive and witness such wonder,
A feeling so pure, we cannot help but ponder.
The beauty that surrounds us every day,
Is a reminder to cherish life in every way.

Let’s laugh and love and cherish each other,
For we are but mere mortals, sisters and brothers.
And as we bask in nature’s embrace,
We find our inner peace and grace.

So let us take a moment to reflect,
And be grateful for this life we project.
For every day is a new chance,
To love, to learn, to dance and prance.


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Your Voice is Your Freedom Tue, 07 Jun 2022 12:36:43 +0000 robin, songbird, bird-7238004.jpg

Your Voice is Your Freedom

Your Voice is your Freedom,

And your Wisdom is your kingdom

The Truth is your weapon,

For us to move on.


Speak from your heart,

And throw away all your fears

When the morning comes,

You will dry all your tears.


Speak from your soul,

Because the past takes its toll

And no matter how painful,

Time will never erase them all.


We are moving on,

To a brighter tomorrow

The past has already passed,

Yet, we can’t easily throw.


We stand for the truth,

The constant cry of the youth

With burning desire,

We will never retire.


The fire never dies,

In the battle cry

We will fight for the right,

And the Truth is our Might.


One morning, I saw a bird on my window

Chirping and flapping its wings, saying, “hello”

She wakes me up happy,

So, I jump out of bed snappy.


So full of energy,

I went to the balcony

Feeling  fresh, with a cup of coffee,

Full of Hope and Positivity.


My dreams will be a Reality,

Our Hope is our Unity

With one Voice and Dignity,

The road is wide to Peace and Prosperity.


Your Voice is your Freedom,

Nobody can take it away

Use it as a weapon,

To strengthen and not to sway.


Our Voice is our Freedom,

You have to guard and secure

For our Future and Freedom,

To always Endure.




coffee, pen, notebook-2306471.jpg girl, field, running-1666678.jpg

Images credited to: Phnom Pehn/Cambodia, picsbyfran of

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Language Learning Techniques Mon, 06 Jun 2022 14:47:47 +0000 What are the best language learning techniques? It doesn’t only apply to English. Any other languages can be learned practically, depending on what works for you. “To learn a language is to speak the language.” unknown

It starts with choosing the right learning tools and platforms. Learning how to communicate properly is much easier nowadays because of our access to the internet. Here are some recommended language learning techniques:

To learn fast, find a chat mate or speaking partner who is not boring. Someone who is humorous and flexible to talk about different topics, could be a good pick. It is always important to know that you’re communicating with a real person. Video call is the best alternative; it’s everyone’s top choice, which is second to meeting face to face.

Make sure to enjoy what you’re learning. If you don’t, learning progress might be slow. If you have the opportunity to travel to the country where you can connect with native speakers, that would be great. There are several websites for learning languages, paid and free. Here are my top recommendations below:


1. ITALKI– A learning resource platform with more than 10,000 teachers from anywhere in the world. It has one hundred fifty plus languages available. As a learner, you need to register using your e-mail address to have full access to the website.

2. PREPLY– An international access to learning different languages. There are 10,890 English teachers. Teachers are coming from 190 countries worldwide, teaching 50 languages.

3. CAMBLY– A learning platform recommended for conversation, grammar, test preparations and other learning activities, suitable for specific level.

THIRD, use free online applications. You can download it on your mobile phones and play with it. These are very useful tools for learning. You will enjoy learning anywhere with convenience. You can choose an app for a specific purpose and style of learning. Below are the top 5 apps and websites:

  1. Duolingo
  2. LingoChamp
  3. Memrise
  4. Babbel
  5. Drops
Language learning (lecture, instructor, lecture room)

FOURTH, talk about new words and latest events. Do not memorize words to improve your vocabulary. When you discuss about the news and topics of interest, you will definitely learn new words. Don’t hesitate to suggest some topics to discuss, prior to your meeting. Memorizing words without understanding can delay the process. Furthermore, use vocabulary as part of the discussion. Eventually, there will be a better memory retention if you use these words in sentences.

LASTLY, focus on your goal and be consistent with time. Have fun and enjoy!

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